According to Rabindranath Tagore “women is god’s best creation”. She adds beauty, grace and charm to every aspect of life. Sadly enough, she has been neglected and her virtues glossed over by the predominantly male society. To quote miss universe, 1994 SushmitaSen,“women in India have become more aware of their rights as individuals and are now opting for higher positions at work, at the same time being a perfect housewife at home. This, then, is the stage at which women have reached today- thanks to their struggle for equality and, more importantly, because of the situation we have landed ourselves into with men at the helm of affairs. Prejudices against women occupying positions of leadership are fast disappearing and their traditional role of sex objects being rejected. The male- dominated milieu, be it social or political, is no longer gratifying. It is plagued with bloodshed, vengeance, envy and immorality. Communalism, fundamentalism, violence and tensions have m...
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