Our World, Our Future(wining entry)

We are a bud today and hoping blossom for tomorrow. We are the cardinal pillar of the world by saying man is the architect of his own future. We need to do something for mankind. Our earth is
our mother who always nurtures and cares for us like our own birth mother.
Every step of life is interconnected with the world so we can say that if there is no world, there will be no life and no future at all. Our world is everything: creative and preserving. Our world is
our property and we should protect it wisely. Our world is getting polluted and degraded by the merciless activities of human beings and their recklessness is degrading the quality of air, water
and soil, which is misfortune to our future.
People don’t consider the future for upcoming generations and they don’t plan for new generations. Modernization, globalization and artificial living standards create deforestation,declination of natural beauty and haphazard use of natural resources. The impacts are global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion and natural disasters.
What will be in the future? I always ask myself this question. Nobody is responsible for us. The modern era is deeply rooted with self-centeredness, violence, crime and lack of certitude. To
eradicate these tendencies we have to bring the light of peace, justice, brotherhood, responsibility and rational human behavior through education.
Education is true medicine of the mind if all the citizens of the world get access to education to create the better world and make it the best place.Changing the universe is not an easy task but a thousand mile journey starts with a single step.
Our small initiation may lead the world. If we initiate the global educational campaign people would support us to develop global literacy. Our future is best on the level of education. The  advanced computer technology, modern scientific equipment and
the global village connect the vast treasure of information.
If we are not familiar with those required things we are like a crow stranded in the clouds. How do we manage time when saying morning shows the day? We need to think about our future and
Choose the right forward attempt. Our future is in our hands. Educating people is a long plan with good vision and thinking for new generations.
What is wrong and right can be judged by educated people. Education helps to find out several things regarding invent
ion, innovation, social science, ethics, morality and human values.
Everything depends on education so if we are interested in brightening our future education is first. If we are educated
with important skills regarding life the world is easy to preserve.
The world should not be destroyed by human activities. We need to preserve our world which reflects our future.

                                                                                     By Ashish Karki, Age 12, Nepal


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